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 - Youth soccer participation trophies don't count, so here is 9th grade and up. 

9th Grade

      In 9th grade, the only sports I did were Cross Country and Science Olympiad. Although I was fast in 9th grade with a 20:13 5k, I wasn't amazingly fast, so I never made it too far - I wasn't running 19 min. 5ks. I loved the academic competition of the Science Olympiad, but the bigger your team was the higher chance you had of winning because they gave you last place in every event you didn't compete in, but you could only compete in two events. The lower your team score the better your team was. My team started late and for the first time in years, so we only ended up having 6 people and only 5 at the tournament. I ended up doing a couple of events and took 2 and 3 rd in some events because we lacked proper funding and time. However in the end my team still beat 2 other teams that were bigger while having  

10th Grade

       10th Grade wasn't a year for sports or activities. Having moved states and having no friends in cross country, I no longer partook in the sport or any sport for that matter. I joined no clubs at the begging of the year, and the second half of the year was Quarantine season. It would be fair to say that my 10th-grade extracurriculars were nonexistent. 

11th Grade

       While 10th grade looked bleak, 11th grade was quite the turnaround. I became a member of NHS, Cube Club, and the American Legion Boys State/Nation. With the necessary academic rigor and promise of community service, NHS accepted me as a member in March of 2021. Cube Club was open to everyone, and always wanting to cross it off my bucket list, I took the opportunity and brought my best cube (3X3) time to less than 1 minute, winning a too large "cube illusion" t-shirt, the last one ever handed out. With an interest in understanding civics and the rights of every American, I was convinced by a friend to take Boys State with him. It was online; however, through much debate, regretful campaign speeches, and videos, and all the intricacies of running for office in a democracy, voters saw something in me that I hadn't before, so I was nominated as one of two Boys Nation senators from Utah and provided an opportunity to travel to D.C. to participate in a pseudo-senate in the bastion of the world's democracy.

12th Grade

       Continuing the streak of activity in 11th grade, I remained a member of NHS, joined MUN, was initiated as a member of Phi Kappa Phi -- an honors organization -- and assisted in the creation of Book Club. After a tumultuous Summer of a political campaign, I was drawn to Moden UN. (FILL IN THIS WITH SOMETHING MEANINGFUL). Once a member of NHS, always a member of NHS, so as my senior year was drawn out, I continued to exemplify leadership, service, scholarship, and academic honor necessary. Weber State University considers me a senior in college, so with a high GPA, Phi Kappa Phi asked me to be a member of their organization. In a conversation with a friend, we realized that NUAMES did not have a book club. That subtle idea slowly forged into reality and through long hours of planning and discord server and instagram page creation, we made it a reality. (Also, rewrite this)

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